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Centrepoint is made by members for members. Our social events, vernissages, talks, tours, language conversation groups and activity groups reflect the interests and efforts of our members. All events and groups as well as the Library, the monthly magazine and Centrepoint itself are organised, run and staffed by our Members.

Volunteering Examples

All skills and interests can find a home in Centrepoint. Examples for typical volunteering opportunities are:

  • Leading a conversation groups as a wonderful way to share not only the language but also the culture of our homelands with other members
  • Management of events, talks and trips
  • Supporting the marketing, public relations and communications efforts
  • Providing a talk on interesting subjects, e.g. share your passion for zoology or your home country
  • Preparing of food for Monthly Apéro or other social events
  • Staffing of the front desk
  • Leading an activity group for games, crafts, art, literature, history, culture, parenting etc.
  • Starting your own group if you cannot find what you like
  • Volunteering for a day is also possible and welcome, if your time budget is limited or you want to try it out


„Meeting wonderful people, at conversation groups made my integration to Basel so much easier.“

Ilma, Marketing and more

„At Centrepoint I love working together with dedicated and skilled people on the communications team.“

Maik, Website Manager


There are many advantages to volunteering. For example:

  • Use and develop skills while helping others and supporting the community
  • Connect with your fellow volunteers while working together on a team or organizing an event
  • Build relationships with other members through group activities and when working together on a volunteering team
  • Improve your English along the way
  • Contribute to the integration to Basel for other members including yourself
  • For some of our members volunteering can help fill a gap in a career path
  • Meet other volunteers and exchange experience with them at one of our social events for volunteers


„I really enjoy being a volunteer at Centrepoint. It gives me meaning and purpose as well as plentiful opportunities to socialise with the members of this great community.“


„I am enjoying my volunteering engagement for the highly diverse community at Centrepoint!“

Yana, Social Media Manager

Current Vacancies

Marketing Data Specialist

We are looking for a marketing data specialist to collect, register, and analyse data provided by guests attending events at Centrepoint. Additionally, this person will be responsible for proposing and developing actions for the Marketing Coordinator to engage these people to join Centrepoint as members. If you are interested, please contact Heidrun Osterer, our Marketing and Communication Coordinator, directly at communications[at]

English Conversation Group Leader

Centrepoint is looking for a fluent English speaker to lead a conversation group. The leader can decide on the language level and content, and can choose the time and frequency of the group. If you are interested, please contact conversations[at]

Helpers for Apéro Team

The Artwall Vernissages and Monthly Apéros are important and successful events at Centrepoint. If you love creating nice nibbles and tasty finger food this is the place to engage. You will be helping the Apéro Team to prepare the food and drinks and/or helping throughout the evening. If you like to support Lorraine Johnson and Peta Hysen at apéros and vernissages please contact our Activities Coordinator Giok Zaat at activities[at]


If you are interested in volunteering, please send an email to our Volunteers Coordinator at volunteers[at] to discuss opportunities.


„Almost anything can be interesting if you dig deep enough. That’s why I agreed to take over as Talks Coordinator – and because nothing virtual can ever match the concentration and excitement of a live, in-person event.“

Bronwen, Talks Coordinator


„Centrepoint is the result of a unique vision and a dedicated team of volunteers. I am proud of what all of us, from the oldest to the newest members, have accomplished over the years. May our "home" in the beautiful Lohnhof continue to thrive as a place where everyone feels welcome, enjoys meeting people and has the urge to get involved.“

Jan, Centrepoint founding members and, well over 25 years later, still an active member and volunteer

Centrepoint | Im Lohnhof 8 | 4051 Basel | Switzerland | Tel +41 (0)61 261 20 02

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Fresh Air Kids Basel Life


Im Lohnhof 8

4051 Basel


Tel +41 (0)61 261 20 02

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